Funder Connect
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Connecting Organisations With Their Community
The Team at Ceangail has 25 years of experience creating and providing solutions for organisations to support communities through their CSR and marketing channels. We have the expertise and the team to make a difference and with the support of our funders we can continue using events to inspire young people, develop their employability skills and become part of their journey towards employment.
Funder Connect will align your organisation with one of our projects, with the results creating real impact across many sectors. Stakeholders in your organisation will feel good in knowing you have played a part in our Projects and helped us make a difference.
As a Funder of one of our Projects below, your CSR or marketing teams will have access to our impact reports, which can be included in your own reporting of how your organisation connects with the community. More and more people are looking at researching how organisations include transformational support into their day to day business. If your organisation is looking for solutions, that can be delivered by an experienced team and that provides real impact, then we would love to work with you.

Support an Event
Stirling Highland Games
Caledonia Festival
Funders We Have Worked With
As a not for profit Ceangail works extremely hard to secure support from a broad range of businesses and grant funders. We are extremely grateful to be working with these organisations that have supported our projects, enabling our vision to deliver quality events whilst supporting young people develop employability skills.

Funder Connect
Send us a message to start the ball rolling on how our solutions can support you.